lunes, 7 de enero de 2013

Nueva ropa

Blusa $25(vendida)

 Blusa $25(vendida)
 Blusa $25
 Blusa $25
 Blusa $35
 Blusa $30(vendida)
Blusa $30(vendida)
 Blusa $15
 blusa L $25(vendida)
blusa $17
blusa $25(vendida)
blusa $25(vendida)

lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012


  Woodstock $35 small


blusa $25

$20 small


$25 blusa(vendida)

$25 small

$20 small(vendida)

$25 medium(vendida)

$30 medium

$25 blusa large

$25 blusa small

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012


1. Nail polish (it can be clear or color)
2. Glitters (If you're worry about oxidation or the color of the glitter being faded, you can always get nail art glitter. They're also very inexpensive)
3. A piece of white paper


Here are the steps:
1. Put on nail polish and let dry.
2. Dip fingernail in alcohol-basically any will do, vodka is suggested. 
3. Press a strip of newspaper big enough to cover the whole nail on to your alcohol soaked nail. 
4. Pull off slowly and be really impressed with yourself.
5. Paint top coat if desired.

7 Most Fashionable Cities on the World

1. Paris

It might be cliché, but Paris is undoubtedly one of the most fashionable cities in the world. Both French men and women are stereotyped for their effortlessly chic fashion sensibilities. And really, it’s hard not to be so stylish when so many of the biggest fashion brands are present on nearly every street corner.

2. Milan
Milan is another internationally recognised fashion capital of the world. It is a historically fashion-centric city with many of the big Italian luxury fashion houses based in the city. Milan also hosts international fashion weeks and is home to many fashion institutions and agencies.

3. London

Along with Paris and Milan, London is consistently one of the most fashionable cities in the world. London is a modern mixing pot of cultures and this is evident when you look at the style of its inhabitants. From bold and brash styles to more traditionally refined dressing, anything goes in this city.

4. New York

New York is home to international fashion weeks, Sex and The City, and arguably some of the most iconic shopping districts in the world. It’s also where American Vogue is based and, therefore, where the all-mighty anna wintour dictates what will and won’t be in fashion each season. As far as fashionable cities go, New York has a lot of cred.

5. Melbourne

The residents of this Australian city are known for their fashion-forward style. Melbourne has traditionally been seen as one of the more culturally diverse cities on the Australian landscape, which helps gives it its fashion status. The city is also host to one of the biggest fashion festivals in Australia and is a well known shopping mecca.


For quirky, unique, and slightly oddball fashion, you can’t go past Tokyo. It is home to popular shopping districts such as Harajuku and Shibuya and is also well known for giving rise to a range of bizarre fashion subcultures. Tokyo is truly the place to go to experience the full scope of Japanese fashion.


While it’s not as showy as Paris or Milan, Stockholm is a solid fashionable contender. Swedish fashion has a unique minimalist quality about it which is evident in the designs of many of its popular brands like H&M, Acne, and 
Cheap Monday. Take a look at any Stockholm street style blog and you’ll quickly realise that it is a truly fashionable city.

From the big international fashion week players to cities half a world away, fashionable cities are dotted all around the world. What do you think makes a fashionable city? Are there any more you’d like to add to the list?

4. Edgy Is Better

This summer, I’m planning to skip the lace and stock up on pastels in clean cuts. Since these super soft hues are already as girly as it gets, avoid obsessing over the detailing. I still shudder every time I think of the head-to-toe lace pastel getup I donned to an internship a few years ago. Fashion disaster doesn’t even begin to describe it!

3. Don’t Overdo It

When figuring out how to wear pastels, remember this key tip: keep your hair and makeup simple. Since pastel hues are soft and feminine, your ‘do should be extremely subtle so it doesn’t overpower your outfit. Fresh waves would work wonders in perfecting that subdued-sexy look.

2. Colorblock

If you’re unafraid to jump on the pastel bandwagon, color blocking will keep you sweet and sophisticated – without making you look like grandma. Go darker on the bottom and lighter on top with two pieces in the same color family. Or, take your ensemble up a few notches with bright bottoms and a pastel top. I’ve tried both and have never been disappointed by the ultra-flirty results.

1. Accessorize

If you’ve been wondering how to wear pastels but don’t want to commit to the trend just yet, start with some sweet accessories. An arm party in pastels would make any black dress pop. To avoid looking too ladylike, I usually balance out my outfit with edgy leather baubles. Either way, a few gems are important to really make an impression!

sábado, 28 de julio de 2012

Combinación de colores en nuestras prendas

Como siempre en nuestro armario tenemos sin numero de prendas, de distintos colores, formas, texturas, etc. Hoy te daremos algunos tips  para combinar la ropa de forma correcta. Lo mas usual que podemos encontrar en nuestro ropero son prendas de color negro o blanco que son los colores que mas se pueden combinar.

Utilizar el negro con el blanco crea un atuendo elegante

También queda muy bien combinar estos dos colores con otro como: amarillo, rosado, azul, rojo, morado, especialmente con colores vivos.

Generalmente el color marrón solo se combina con colores derivados de el mismo como café, beige, marfil. Pero también hay excepciones como el azul, purpura, rojo y por supuesto blanco y negro.

El morado es un color muy bonito, este se lo puede combinar con colores como gris, negro, blanco, anaranjado pastel, amarillo, dorado, celeste pastel, rosado pastel.

Combinaciones que debes evitar:
-Mesclar colores como rojo con verde o rojo con amarillo, naranja con negro.
-No utilizar prendas del mismo color como una blusa roja y pantalones rojos.
-No utilizar una prenda estampada de varios colores con otra con mas colores.

Tomate un tiempo para organizar tu ropa por colores para que la combinación de las prendas sea mas fácil y mas eficaz.
Antes de ponerte algo asegúrate de que combinen.
Trata de usar una prenda llana cuando utilices una prenda con estampados.